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Hello, My name is Patrice Jean-Baptiste and I'm applying for the entry-level ITTechnician position at Cook Technology. I"m currently enrolled at Broward College and I am about to graduate with a Bachelors in Information Technology. I also have certifications in CompTIA A+, Network+, and Security+ (and currently working on my Linux+ certification) as well as the Certified Associate In Project Management from PMI. Currently, I'm looking forward to apply my acquired knowledge as well as assist in any technological problems
Number: 954-488-4436
email: patrice.jb778899@protonmail.com
Notice: If you signed up in response to a job post that uses gig2.me profiles then we recommend messaging that person directly or posting in their group. A lot of people are putting phone numbers or personal information in public posts and we do not recommend this. You are welcome to publish this information here if you wish, but we recommend keeping this information private. gig2.me does not give out your personal information and we secure it here.
Greetings Cook Technology, my name is Darius Odom. I'm reaching out in regards to the Entry Level Field IT Technician position you've posted on Indeed.
I have always had a drive and proficiency in learning IT skills, tinkering with electronics, and studying in the fields of engineering. I may not have the degree to show for it, but i make up for it in my can-do attitude and picking up new techniques quickly. I would appreciate the chance to get into the world of IT, and i believe this position would be a perfect beginning for me.
Thank you for your consideration,
Darius Odom
Hello Cook Technology, my name is Sydney Brown and I'm reaching out in regards to the Entry Level Field IT Technician position you've posted on Indeed.
I have a bachelor's in Information Technology from Florida International University (2019). I would love the opportunity to put my technical knowledge to use on the field.
Attached is my resume for your consideration. Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Cell: (786) 512-7222
Email: bsydney95@gmail.com
Good Evening, my name is Joe Martinez and I am writing to apply for the Entry Level Field IT Technician job posted on Indeed. I currently am enrolled at FIU as an IT major and am looking to get first-hand experience in the field. Attached to this post is my resume. To contact me you can reach me at my email jmart925@fiu.edu or my phone number 786-237-1496. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Orlando Leiva
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David Alicea
I called an then got a message from an office worker that I could message you on here. I applied to the indeed offer that the Cook Technology Corp put, and also did the interview. I just wanted to let you know that I am very interested in the entry level technician job. I also directly messaged you. My contact is 9546320012. Thank you for reading.
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Cynthia Cintron
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